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Everyone deserves at least one special day each year!
We at Bullying Ends Here would love to celebrate it with you and acknowledge your special day with a birthday card from Tad.
If you wish to receive a personalized birthday card from Tad, please email:
1. Your name (or the person you want him to send a card to)
2. Your date of birth
3. A mailing address* (can be anywhere in the world you wish him to send it)
Every once in a while, there just may be a gift attached!
* This address does NOT have to be your personal address. It can be a friend, school, neighbour, PO Box or anywhere else you feel comfortable sharing.
** of note, your information is confidential and will not be used or sold to anyone else. The purpose of this program is to help bring a smile to someone's face and show them that they are special!
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