Request a Bullying Ends Here Presentation
To request a presentation at your school (grade 6 and above), Community Event or Corporate Function, select your choice of presentation, enter your information and click Submit.
Bullying Ends Here is a registered charity and relies solely on public donations and sponsorships to be able to reach every community possible.
Lived Experience recorded presentation, suitable for one classroom is $250 (including live Q&A if requested). This is a 24-hour rental.
Lived Experience recorded presentation, suitable to be played in multiple classrooms at the same time is $500 (including live Q&A if requested). Although payment can be completed through the website, you would also need to connect with Tad to provide the private YouTube link for viewing. This is a 24-hour rental.
Lived Experience LIVE school presentation is $800 each plus any applicable expenses.
Lived Experience LIVE keynote presentation is between $2000 and $4000 plus any applicable expenses. Please contact Tad to speak about exact costs and expectations.
We try to respond to all requests by email within 24 hours. Please check your junk mail. If you haven't heard back within 48 hours, please email us at info@bullyingendshere.ca.