Signs your child is being bullied
Up to 25% of students report having been bullied at some point in their lives, and of this percentage, there are a certain number of cases that result in very, very severe outcomes.
The consequences of bullying extend from low self-esteem, social withdrawal and isolation, maladjustment on both a social and emotional level, to potential for substance abuse and failing grades. Victims may become depressed, experience anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, struggle with anger, aggression or hostility, experience suicidal ideation, or attempt suicide.
How to discuss bullying and suicide with your child.
It is important to learn how to recognize if your child is being bullied and to recognize if your child is struggling with thoughts of suicide. Understand that asking directly about suicide will not make your child suicidal or plant the idea.
To speak openly and directly, without judgement, can bring relief to that person. A child will already be struggling with lower self esteem because of the bullying and will be looking to you for your love and support. They fear that they will upset you and possibly lose that love.
It is important that you listen and reassure your child that you will be there to help.
In 2006 the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) reported that “suicide is rarely a spur of the moment decision. In the days and hours before people kill themselves, there are usually clues and warning signs”. The WFMH (2006) compiled a list of warning signs that could help identify if someone was contemplating suicide.
Family history of suicide or violence
Sexual or physical abuse
Death of a close friend or family member
Divorce or separation, ending a relationship
Failing academic performance
Job loss, problems at work
Impending legal action
Breaking the law
Writing about death or suicide
Previous suicidal behaviour
Changes in behaviour
Physical Changes
Lack of energy
Disturbed sleeping pattern (sleeping too much or too little)
Loss of appetite
Sudden weight gain or loss
Increase in minor illnesses
Change of sexual interest
Sudden change in appearance
lack of interest in appearance
Thoughts or Emotions
Thoughts of suicide
Loneliness, lack of support from family and friends
Rejection, feeling marginalized (feeling like you are unimportant or insignificant)
Deep sadness or guilt
Unable to see beyond a narrow focus
Anxiety and stress
Loss of self-worth
Youth in BC (www.youthinbc.com) state that it is important to note that just because you observe the warning signs doesn’t mean your child is suicidal. These signs can be an indication that ‘something isn’t quite right’ and it’s worth asking about it.
This is the opportunity to show that you care, you are worried and you are concerned about what you have seen. Remember to ask directly “Are you having thoughts of suicide?” or “Are you thinking about killing yourself?”. When you express concern for your child, this ‘opens the door’ for communicating as noted by Youth in BC.
Youth in BC also note the important of believing what your child is saying. Take the time to listen without judging, interrupting or challenging the person.
At this point, do not leave your child alone. Get connected with services in your community that can help (many resources are listed HERE and then look for your area). To learn more about communicating with your child about suicide, please visit (www.suicideinfo.ca). Some suggestions from The Centre for Suicide Prevention (2007) for communicating with your child about suicide include;
Have the conversation when you will not be interrupted
Be flexible about the amount of time you will need
Chose a place with no distractions
Choose a place that is comfortable and private
Before talking with your child, calm yourself and clear your mind of other issues
Do not interrupt or provide unwanted advice
Your child will talk about things that are difficult for you to hear. Do not react with anger, shock or frustration
Ask questions, one at a time until you have a clear understanding of what your child is saying
Start the conversation with "I" statements
Respond in ways that make your child feel heard
Ensure your tone of voice matches your body language
Us open-ended statements to encourage your child to talk
Accept and confirm child's feelings and that their problems are important
If you are having difficulty with the information that your child has presented, please reach out to qualified experts. If you are unsure where to start, try the school Counsellors, Principal, local resources or the internet.
The above information comes from the book "Bullying is Not a Game" by Laurie Flasko, Youth in BC and the Centre for Suicide Prevention.