This email is NOT monitored 24/7. If you require immediate help, please call 9-1-1 or the Kids Help Phone at

If you are the Bully…..STOP
If you are the Victim
of bullying…..TELL
If you know someone being

I can help in many ways outlined below. Keep in mind, that no one can help if they don’t know.
Just know that I am NOT a Counsellor, Expert or Professional. I am also not a Crisis Line.
I can be a friend.
I can listen and be a ‘shoulder to cry on’.
I can offer advice and reassure you that you are not alone.
I can help you speak to a school Counsellor or other Faculty.
I can help you open up to loved ones and get them involved.
I can direct you to other resources available on the internet.
I can direct you to other resources available in your Community.
I can introduce you to your school Police Liaison Officer.
I can introduce you to your local Police Department.
I will support you every step of the way.
It is important to know that each step will be up to you. The fact that you are reading this page shows the strength and determination you have. Keep going, people really can help…I CAN HELP!
You are not alone. I know how it feels, I know the feeling of being alone and truly believing that no one can help. It isn’t true. At the very least, give me a chance.
You don’t have to give me your name if you prefer. Click HERE and send me a message.
You have nothing to lose, but a lot to gain!